Saturday, January 20, 2018

Eli J. Walter
1922 - January 20, 2018

"Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me
all the days of my life,
and I shall dwell in the house of the Lord
Psalm 23:6

January 20, 2018

Dear Classmates of 1968,
   Wow, can you believe this spring marks 50 years since our high school graduation from Berean Academy?!  As a result of that milestone all forty of us entered the world of college, adulthood, careers, families, and as they say, "the rest is history."
   As Dan Moses, (VP), Verna (Busenitz) Unruh (Sec), and I (Pres) met for breakfast this morning to discuss the upcoming class reunion on April 6-7 it quickly became apparent that we needed a vehicle to archive all information that you have been sending.  As well, it was agreed that as classmates we would enjoy a place to post additional information in the years ahead.  This blog was born to accomplish these purposes, and many more, I'm sure.  With that being said, have at it, classmates!  Anyone can post photos and posts to your hearts' content.  Those of you who have already sent such to Verna will be included here soon.
 (We will have to have your email address to add you as a contributor.)
   Thank you for considering coming to our class reunion.  Berean Academy has invited all of us to sit together at their annual Praise & Celebration banquet on Friday evening.  Saturday morning gives an opportunity for coffee, rolls, and a tour of the school.  Then at noon we will meet in the old Bennie's Store to eat lunch together and catch up on the last 50 years.  And of course, we're not OLD yet!  As class officers, including Robert L Busenitz (Treas) and David Flory (Stu Co Rep), we hope to see as many of you as possible in April.  -Kerwin