Monday, March 12, 2018

My Life Since 1968 ~ Bob Busenitz

Robert L. Busenitz

My Life Since 1968

My fiancée, Marilyn Schulz, from Hunter, KS, (Lincoln county), attended our 10 year class reunion with me in 1978, and we were married a few days later. Now we’re going on 40 years! A year after we were married we left to work in Indonesia with Wycliffe Bible Translators and that has pretty much been our work till the present.

I had heard the president of Wycliffe speak at our missions conference at Berean, I think it was during our sophomore year (anybody else have trouble remembering things!), and then I heard him speak again in Bible college, so after graduating with a diploma from Grace College of the Bible in ‘71, I went to work with Wycliffe a couple years in the Philippines. A week of special meetings at Berean, perhaps at the beginning of our junior year, was also a time of further spiritual commitment for me.

When I returned from the Philippines, I attended Wichita State University where I first met Marilyn at an Inter-Varsity noon Bible study. She was also interested in Wycliffe, and after we finished our Wycliffe training in Dallas and a Masters in applied linguistics at UT Arlington in the spring of ’78, we were married.

We lived in Indonesia from 1980 to ’92 where our three children, Verona, Katie and Justin were born. When we couldn’t get resident visas to work in Indonesia we moved to the Philippines for 8.5 years and made trips to continue working with Balantak translators, and the team completed the Balantak New Testament in 2010. (For a short video of the New Testament dedication see: .)  We have been living in the US since 2002, first in Kansas until 2005 when our son Justin graduated from Berean, and since then we have been living in Dallas near our international headquarters.

We have continued making trips to Indonesia from Dallas, and, after completing the New Testament project we were working on, I have been mostly involved in training and consulting, making several four to six week trips a year to help other translators, including mother tongue translators translating into their own language.

Our daughter Verona married Brandon Laird in 2015, and they are living in Pantego, TX (near Arlington). Our other two children also live in the Dallas/Fort Worth area.

I’m thankful for Berean and am looking forward to seeing others of you again in April!

Verona's Wedding - 2015

Bob's siblings & Dad - 2012
Scratching my head about translation in Indonesia - 2016

Our Family - 1988


  1. What an amazing life story! The impact of your work most certainly will continue throughout eternity, and you must stand in awe of the work of the Holy Spirit in the lives of those who LOVE the Scripture. We are friends with Ron & Lynn Dennis, Wycliff Translators in Honduras, and have learned about the diligence, patience, and persistence required to bring the translation work to completion. Hope to see you soon.

  2. Thank you so much for sharing this inspiring story with us. Who could have known all that God had in store for each one of us through these 50 years? I love the thread that runs through the stories--it is all about the faithfulness of God to help us, to protect us, and to love us.

  3. Halo utus daa kui upa lele?
    Nanau'mo sianta no poo piile'. Yaku ai Nanu samba Talima. Men mbaripi na Luwuk na om ku Andang.
